How to make a bundle with a bow step by step?
1. Make a high tail and secure it with a tight elastic band. It is better than the hair was wet, so they can be conveniently collected, and the hairstyle will be more accurate.
2. Separate a small strand of 3-4 cm wide and secure it with an elastic band. We won’t need it yet.
3. In order to make a volumetric beam, we use a special round roller. If you do not have such a device, then you can make it yourself, for this take a tight sock and cut off its tip, twist the sock into a ring and you will get a similar roller.
4. Distribute the hair evenly on the roller and put on top of a thin elastic band.
5. Starting at the back of the head, we separate a small strand and start twisting it, gradually adding hair, so we have to twist all the hair until they run out, you can get one or two turns around the beam. Secure the tip with an invisibility pin or hairpin.
6. Now we start creating a bow. To do this, take our strand and put an elastic band on the base. Thread the strand into the elastic band several times, when it is already a little tight thread the strand not to the end leaving a small loop, this will be one part of the bow.
7. Now twist the elastic band and thread the same strand of hair into the resulting loop to form the second part of the bow.
8. The remaining tail will serve as the middle of the bow, put a strand between two loops and secure invisible, the remaining tip to hide under the beam.